I've had a lot going on, kind of like this Christmas Picture.
It's been a little less than a month since I posted that I was launching my new blog site. As a writer, I've been a bit bogged down in the technical aspects of building the site. In that time, I have changed the URL 3 times, added other forms of media sharing, updated links and more! I'm learning so much!
Not only that, I'm working on trusting the process, having patience, and waiting. HA! Isn't that life? I'm excited to say that I'm getting a lot of kinks worked out and still have a lot more to go.
Thank you
To those who have helped me by providing feedback, posting comments, sharing my information with your friends and family, it's such a blessing.
As I head into the holiday season, I'm excited to get the opportunity to write, plan, teach, share, inspire and simply just be with those in the community around me. As I grow, learn and plan, I ask that you
Bear With Me
God's timing and plan are perfect, and as He's laid this passion on my heart, I trust He's going to help me through all the details of this new endeavor. In the meantime, if you have something to say, reach out and connect! I'd love to hear from you.